Mighty Little

Discover the Rewards of a Life with Essential Oils
Schedule a Consult
Lynnette is a prestigious certified aromatherapist in the Eastern Shore / Baltimore area working with individual clients and families.
During this uncertain time, you may experience anxiety or difficulty sleeping or staying asleep. You may be in a position that requires you to be in contact with the public. If you have a physical or emotional concern, please schedule a consult using our online booking. Consultations can be face to face or video conference.
You can also contact her at 513-646-7545 or by email.

Use the App the Professionals Use
Search through the Essential Oils, look through Carrier Oils, look through your purchases, recipes, keep all your charts, all your oily information in one place retrievable from all your devices with AromaSense, the amazing customizable essential oils app developed by Lynnette Crouse, the owner of Mighty Little Aromatics.
Learn with Passion
Lynnette Crouse is an educator with a passion for teaching, and this comes through in everything she does.
To each class Lynnette brings her warmth and creativity to engage and entertain so that even topics like chemistry are covered in fun and lively ways.
Keep Up on Instagram
Lynnette frequently posts educational bits of information on her Instagram feed. Follow her on Instagram for tips, blends, and aromatherapy news. @lynnettecrouse
Check Local Area Events
You can also find Lynnette and Mighty Little Aromatics volunteering around town at local events like the local Library, Herb Society, or Parks giving free talks. Check local listings such as the Caroline Review. Mighty Little Aromatics loves to give back to the community.
Attend Classes
The best way to learn about the benefits and safety of essential oils is by attending a class! Whether you sign up for Essential Oils 101 or you start slow with a 2 hour focused class, face to face learning is the best introduction to aromatherapy. What better way to understand essential oils than by being able to open the bottles and experience them for yourself in an educational setting?